Each row corresponds to a rule

# S3 method for class 'rpart'
tidy(x, ...)



rpart::rpart model


Other arguments (currently unused)


A rulelist object


For rpart rules, one should build the model without ordered factor variable. We recommend you to convert ordered factor to factor or integer class.

For rpart::rpart classification model:

  • Output columns are: rule_nbr, LHS, RHS, support, confidence, lift.

  • The rules are sorted in this order: desc(confidence), desc(lift), desc(support).

For rpart::rpart regression(anova) model:

  • Output columns are: rule_nbr, LHS, RHS, support.

  • The rules are sorted in this order: desc(support).

See also

rulelist, tidy, augment, predict, calculate, prune, reorder

Other Core Tidy Utility: tidy(), tidy.C5.0(), tidy.cubist()


model_class_rpart = rpart::rpart(Species ~ ., data = iris)
#> ---- Rulelist --------------------------------
#> ▶ Keys: NULL
#> ▶ Number of rules: 3
#> ▶ Model type: rpart
#> ▶ Estimation type: classification
#> ▶ Is validation data set: FALSE
#>   rule_nbr LHS                                    RHS   support confidence  lift
#>      <int> <chr>                                  <fct>   <int>      <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1        1 ( Petal.Length < 2.45 )                seto…      50      0.981  2.94
#> 2        2 ( Petal.Length >= 2.45 ) & ( Petal.Wi… virg…      46      0.958  2.88
#> 3        3 ( Petal.Length >= 2.45 ) & ( Petal.Wi… vers…      54      0.893  2.68
#> ----------------------------------------------

model_regr_rpart = rpart::rpart(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris)
#> ---- Rulelist --------------------------------
#> ▶ Keys: NULL
#> ▶ Number of rules: 7
#> ▶ Model type: rpart
#> ▶ Estimation type: regression
#> ▶ Is validation data set: FALSE
#>   rule_nbr LHS                                                       RHS support
#>      <int> <chr>                                                   <dbl>   <int>
#> 1        1 ( Petal.Length < 4.25 ) & ( Petal.Length < 3.4 ) & ( S…  5.17      33
#> 2        2 ( Petal.Length >= 4.25 ) & ( Petal.Length < 6.05 ) & (…  6.05      33
#> 3        3 ( Petal.Length >= 4.25 ) & ( Petal.Length < 6.05 ) & (…  6.60      25
#> 4        4 ( Petal.Length < 4.25 ) & ( Petal.Length < 3.4 ) & ( S…  4.73      20
#> 5        5 ( Petal.Length < 4.25 ) & ( Petal.Length >= 3.4 )        5.64      20
#> 6        6 ( Petal.Length >= 4.25 ) & ( Petal.Length < 6.05 ) & (…  6.53      10
#> 7        7 ( Petal.Length >= 4.25 ) & ( Petal.Length >= 6.05 )      7.58       9
#> ----------------------------------------------