
tidyrules R package provides a framework to work with decision rules. Rules can be extracted from supported models, augmented with (custom) metrics using validation data, manipulated using standard dataframe operations, reordered and pruned based on a metric, predict on unseen (test) data. Utilities include; Creating a rulelist manually, Exporting a rulelist as a SQL case statement and so on. The package offers two classes; rulelist and rulelset based on dataframe.

website: https://talegari.github.io/tidyrules/



This document provides a working example of a classification problem where the functionality of package is showcased. We use modeldata::attrition dataset where Attrition column is the binary dependent variable.

att = modeldata::attrition
valid_index = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), nrow(att), replace = TRUE)
att_train = att[!valid_index, ] # nrow: 742
att_valid = att[valid_index, ]  # nrow: 728
## Rows: 1,470
## Columns: 31
## $ Age                      <int> 41, 49, 37, 33, 27, 32, 59, 30, 38, 36, 35, 2…
## $ Attrition                <fct> Yes, No, Yes, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No,…
## $ BusinessTravel           <fct> Travel_Rarely, Travel_Frequently, Travel_Rare…
## $ DailyRate                <int> 1102, 279, 1373, 1392, 591, 1005, 1324, 1358,…
## $ Department               <fct> Sales, Research_Development, Research_Develop…
## $ DistanceFromHome         <int> 1, 8, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 24, 23, 27, 16, 15, 26, …
## $ Education                <ord> College, Below_College, College, Master, Belo…
## $ EducationField           <fct> Life_Sciences, Life_Sciences, Other, Life_Sci…
## $ EnvironmentSatisfaction  <ord> Medium, High, Very_High, Very_High, Low, Very…
## $ Gender                   <fct> Female, Male, Male, Female, Male, Male, Femal…
## $ HourlyRate               <int> 94, 61, 92, 56, 40, 79, 81, 67, 44, 94, 84, 4…
## $ JobInvolvement           <ord> High, Medium, Medium, High, High, High, Very_…
## $ JobLevel                 <int> 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, …
## $ JobRole                  <fct> Sales_Executive, Research_Scientist, Laborato…
## $ JobSatisfaction          <ord> Very_High, Medium, High, High, Medium, Very_H…
## $ MaritalStatus            <fct> Single, Married, Single, Married, Married, Si…
## $ MonthlyIncome            <int> 5993, 5130, 2090, 2909, 3468, 3068, 2670, 269…
## $ MonthlyRate              <int> 19479, 24907, 2396, 23159, 16632, 11864, 9964…
## $ NumCompaniesWorked       <int> 8, 1, 6, 1, 9, 0, 4, 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 1, 0, 5, …
## $ OverTime                 <fct> Yes, No, Yes, Yes, No, No, Yes, No, No, No, N…
## $ PercentSalaryHike        <int> 11, 23, 15, 11, 12, 13, 20, 22, 21, 13, 13, 1…
## $ PerformanceRating        <ord> Excellent, Outstanding, Excellent, Excellent,…
## $ RelationshipSatisfaction <ord> Low, Very_High, Medium, High, Very_High, High…
## $ StockOptionLevel         <int> 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 3, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, …
## $ TotalWorkingYears        <int> 8, 10, 7, 8, 6, 8, 12, 1, 10, 17, 6, 10, 5, 3…
## $ TrainingTimesLastYear    <int> 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 5, 3, 1, 2, 4, …
## $ WorkLifeBalance          <ord> Bad, Better, Better, Better, Better, Good, Go…
## $ YearsAtCompany           <int> 6, 10, 0, 8, 2, 7, 1, 1, 9, 7, 5, 9, 5, 2, 4,…
## $ YearsInCurrentRole       <int> 4, 7, 0, 7, 2, 7, 0, 0, 7, 7, 4, 5, 2, 2, 2, …
## $ YearsSinceLastPromotion  <int> 0, 1, 0, 3, 2, 3, 0, 0, 1, 7, 0, 0, 4, 1, 0, …
## $ YearsWithCurrManager     <int> 5, 7, 0, 0, 2, 6, 0, 0, 8, 7, 3, 8, 3, 2, 3, …


tidy generic creates rulelist from a supported model fit. rulelist class is fundamental data structure which offers many methods such as predict, augment and so on. A rulelist is a dataframe with some extra attributes. The order of rows of the dataframe defines the order of preference of rules.

tidy supports these model fits:

  • C5 rule-based model (classification)
  • rpart tree (classification / regression)
  • party tree (classification / regression)
  • cubist tree (regression)

Lets build a C5 model and then extract a rulelist:

model_c5 = C50::C5.0(Attrition ~., data = att_train, rules = TRUE)
## Call:
## C5.0.formula(formula = Attrition ~ ., data = att_train, rules = TRUE)
## Rule-Based Model
## Number of samples: 742 
## Number of predictors: 30 
## Number of Rules: 19 
## Non-standard options: attempt to group attributes
tidy_c5 = tidy(model_c5)
## ---- Rulelist --------------------------------
## ▶ Keys: trial_nbr
## ▶ Number of distinct keys: 1
## ▶ Number of rules: 19
## ▶ Model type: C5
## ▶ Estimation type: classification
## ▶ Is validation data set: FALSE
##    rule_nbr trial_nbr LHS                         RHS   support confidence  lift
##       <int>     <int> <chr>                       <fct>   <int>      <dbl> <dbl>
##  1        1         1 ( Age > 26 ) & ( Environme… No        189      0.963   1.2
##  2        2         1 ( Age > 26 ) & ( Environme… No        244      0.951   1.1
##  3        3         1 ( BusinessTravel == 'Non-T… No         74      0.947   1.1
##  4        4         1 ( Age <= 31 ) & ( Educatio… Yes        12      0.929   5.4
##  5        5         1 ( JobSatisfaction %in% c('… No        157      0.924   1.1
##  6        6         1 ( Age > 26 ) & ( Environme… No        351      0.924   1.1
##  7        7         1 ( EnvironmentSatisfaction … Yes         8      0.9     5.3
##  8        8         1 ( OverTime == 'Yes' ) & ( … Yes         8      0.9     5.3
##  9        9         1 ( BusinessTravel %in% c('T… Yes         8      0.9     5.3
## 10       10         1 ( EnvironmentSatisfaction … Yes         7      0.889   5.2
## 11       11         1 ( JobInvolvement == 'Low' … Yes         7      0.889   5.2
## 12       12         1 ( OverTime == 'No' )        No        516      0.888   1.1
## 13       13         1 ( EnvironmentSatisfaction … Yes         5      0.857   5  
## 14       14         1 ( MaritalStatus %in% c('Ma… Yes        17      0.842   4.9
## 15       15         1 ( NumCompaniesWorked > 6 )… Yes        10      0.833   4.9
## 16       16         1 ( EnvironmentSatisfaction … Yes         8      0.8     4.7
## 17       17         1 ( Age <= 26 ) & ( Environm… Yes        22      0.75    4.4
## 18       18         1 ( EnvironmentSatisfaction … Yes         9      0.636   3.7
## 19       19         1 ( EnvironmentSatisfaction … Yes        28      0.633   3.7
## ----------------------------------------------


A rulelist is expected to have these mandatory columns:

  • rule_nbr: Something that identifies a rule uniquely per keys. Typically, an integer vector starting from 1.
  • LHS: A character vector of R-parsable strings
  • RHS: factor (for classification), numeric (for regression) or character vector of R-parsable strings (to be evaluated)

trial_nbr is a key. C5 model builds multiple boosting iterations indexed by trial_nbr (default is set to 1). rule_nbr’s start from 1 for each trial_nbr. In general, keys columns along with rule_nbr column should be unique.

Attribute estimation_type is central to further methods where metrics get computed. At this moment, the package supports these: classification, regression.

The rulelist (obtained from C5 model) ordered by confidence column, by default.

A rulelist can be either created using tidy on a supported model or a from a dataframe using as_rulelist.

☺☺☺ rulelist is simply a dataframe with some attributes. Manipulate them with standard dataframe operations (dplyr, data.table …). tibble::as_tibble or as.data.frame will convert to a tibble/dataframe (with attributes). as_rulelist can be used to convert to a rulelist.


The mainstay of package is the predict method of the rulelist class. predict provides the first rule (in the order as per the rulelist) that is applicable for a observation/row in the test data. If a row is not covered by any rule, then rule_nbr is missing.

predict(tidy_c5, att_valid)
## # A tibble: 728 × 3
##    row_nbr trial_nbr rule_nbr
##      <int>     <int>    <int>
##  1       1         1        8
##  2       2         1        6
##  3       3         1        6
##  4       4         1        6
##  5       5         1       NA
##  6       6         1       12
##  7       7         1       12
##  8       8         1        5
##  9       9         1       12
## 10      10         1        1
## # ℹ 718 more rows

☺☺☺ To know all rules applicable for a row, use argument multiple = TRUE. Alternately, predict on a ruleset always yields all rules applicable per row.

predict(tidy_c5, att_valid, multiple = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 728 × 3
##    row_nbr trial_nbr rule_nbr 
##      <int>     <int> <list>   
##  1       1         1 <int [2]>
##  2       2         1 <int [1]>
##  3       3         1 <int [1]>
##  4       4         1 <int [2]>
##  5       5         1 <int [1]>
##  6       6         1 <int [1]>
##  7       7         1 <int [1]>
##  8       8         1 <int [2]>
##  9       9         1 <int [1]>
## 10      10         1 <int [3]>
## # ℹ 718 more rows


  • set_validation_data: Setting (or removing) validation data adds a validation data to a rulelist which gets used for augment, calculate and other methods.

  • set_keys: Sets (or removes) keys.

tidy_c5 =
  tidy_c5 %>%
  set_validation_data(att_valid, y_name = "Attrition", weight = 1) %>% 

## ---- Rulelist --------------------------------
## ▶ Keys: NULL
## ▶ Number of rules: 19
## ▶ Model type: C5
## ▶ Estimation type: classification
## ▶ Is validation data set: TRUE
##    rule_nbr trial_nbr LHS                         RHS   support confidence  lift
##       <int>     <int> <chr>                       <fct>   <int>      <dbl> <dbl>
##  1        1         1 ( Age > 26 ) & ( Environme… No        189      0.963   1.2
##  2        2         1 ( Age > 26 ) & ( Environme… No        244      0.951   1.1
##  3        3         1 ( BusinessTravel == 'Non-T… No         74      0.947   1.1
##  4        4         1 ( Age <= 31 ) & ( Educatio… Yes        12      0.929   5.4
##  5        5         1 ( JobSatisfaction %in% c('… No        157      0.924   1.1
##  6        6         1 ( Age > 26 ) & ( Environme… No        351      0.924   1.1
##  7        7         1 ( EnvironmentSatisfaction … Yes         8      0.9     5.3
##  8        8         1 ( OverTime == 'Yes' ) & ( … Yes         8      0.9     5.3
##  9        9         1 ( BusinessTravel %in% c('T… Yes         8      0.9     5.3
## 10       10         1 ( EnvironmentSatisfaction … Yes         7      0.889   5.2
## 11       11         1 ( JobInvolvement == 'Low' … Yes         7      0.889   5.2
## 12       12         1 ( OverTime == 'No' )        No        516      0.888   1.1
## 13       13         1 ( EnvironmentSatisfaction … Yes         5      0.857   5  
## 14       14         1 ( MaritalStatus %in% c('Ma… Yes        17      0.842   4.9
## 15       15         1 ( NumCompaniesWorked > 6 )… Yes        10      0.833   4.9
## 16       16         1 ( EnvironmentSatisfaction … Yes         8      0.8     4.7
## 17       17         1 ( Age <= 26 ) & ( Environm… Yes        22      0.75    4.4
## 18       18         1 ( EnvironmentSatisfaction … Yes         9      0.636   3.7
## 19       19         1 ( EnvironmentSatisfaction … Yes        28      0.633   3.7
## ----------------------------------------------

☺☺☺ Setting weight argument (other than 1 which means equal weight) leads to calculating weighted metrics.


augment adds metrics related to validation data in a new column ‘augmented_stats’.

tidy_c5 %>% 
  augment() %>% 
  tibble::as_tibble() %>% 
  tidytable::unnest(names_sep = "__") %>% 
## Rows: 19
## Columns: 10
## $ rule_nbr                    <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,…
## $ trial_nbr                   <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, …
## $ LHS                         <chr> "( Age > 26 ) & ( EnvironmentSatisfaction …
## $ RHS                         <fct> No, No, No, Yes, No, No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Ye…
## $ support                     <int> 189, 244, 74, 12, 157, 351, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7,…
## $ confidence                  <dbl> 0.9634000, 0.9512000, 0.9474000, 0.9285714…
## $ lift                        <dbl> 1.2, 1.1, 1.1, 5.4, 1.1, 1.1, 5.3, 5.3, 5.…
## $ augmented_stats__support    <dbl> 212, 236, 76, 13, 153, 306, 10, 17, 10, 6,…
## $ augmented_stats__confidence <dbl> 0.89622642, 0.91101695, 0.88157895, 0.4615…
## $ augmented_stats__lift       <dbl> 1.0285265, 1.0455004, 1.0117168, 3.5880893…

☺☺☺ If augmented metrics differ from train data metrics, then it could indicate drift in the data!

☺☺☺ augment also supports custom metrics in dplyr::summarise syntax!


Plotting a rulelist as a heatmap helps in understanding these things:

  • Cluster of rows which are covered by same set of rules (with hclust)
  • Cluster rules based on the common rows they *cover (with hclust)
  • Row and column labels with dependent variable help us identify potential outliers and potential under-fitting.

☺☺☺ distance metric for rules is jaccard and distance metric for row clusters is euclidean. Former can be changed to any distance supported by proxy package or a custom distance function for custom insight!

☺☺☺ When you have a rulelist which is a combination of multiple classifiers, rule clusters quickly reveal ‘correlated’ rules! The ones which cover almost same rows, but LHS of each reads different!


calculate computes cumulative metrics (as rules are applied in the row order) depending on attribute estimation_type.

## # A tibble: 19 × 4
##    rule_nbr cumulative_coverage cumulative_overlap cumulative_accuracy
##       <int>               <dbl>              <dbl>               <dbl>
##  1        1                 212                  0               0.896
##  2        2                 277                171               0.910
##  3        3                 323                187               0.895
##  4        4                 336                187               0.878
##  5        5                 413                217               0.877
##  6        6                 495                301               0.875
##  7        7                 500                306               0.866
##  8        8                 515                308               0.852
##  9        9                 525                308               0.844
## 10       10                 527                312               0.843
## 11       11                 529                314               0.841
## 12       12                 686                456               0.848
## 13       13                 687                460               0.849
## 14       14                 697                462               0.845
## 15       15                 702                466               0.840
## 16       16                 702                470               0.840
## 17       17                 710                480               0.835
## 18       18                 710                484               0.835
## 19       19                 725                495               0.826

☺☺☺ calculate allows a custom metric of your choice!


reorder intends to reorder the order of rules. At the moment, the greedy implementation adds one rule at a time to a new rulelist (from the input rulelist) such that a metric (see calculate) is maximized/minimized.

Suppose, you wanted to find a smaller ruleset with least overlap that would still cover 80% of the validation_data. Then,

        metric = c("cumulative_overlap",
        minimize = TRUE
        ) %>% 
  mutate(rel_cum_overlap = 
           cumulative_overlap / max(cumulative_overlap),
         rel_cum_coverage = 
           cumulative_coverage / max(cumulative_coverage)
         ) %>% 
  select(rule_nbr, LHS, RHS,
         rel_cum_overlap, rel_cum_coverage,
## ⠙ Reordering ... 4 done (1.8/s) | 2.3s
## ⠹ Reordering ... 6 done (1.5/s) | 4s
## ⠸ Reordering ... 9 done (1.3/s) | 6.8s
## ⠼ Reordering ... 12 done (1.2/s) | 9.7s
## ⠴ Reordering ... 17 done (1.3/s) | 13s
## ⠴ Reordering ... 19 done (1.4/s) | 13.5s
## ---- Rulelist --------------------------------
## ▶ Keys: NULL
## ▶ Number of rules: 19
## ▶ Model type: C5
## ▶ Estimation type: classification
## ▶ Is validation data set: TRUE
##    rule_nbr LHS       RHS   rel_cum_overlap rel_cum_coverage cumulative_accuracy
##       <int> <chr>     <fct>           <dbl>            <dbl>               <dbl>
##  1       16 ( Enviro… Yes            0                0.0124               0.556
##  2        9 ( Busine… Yes            0                0.0262               0.474
##  3        8 ( OverTi… Yes            0                0.0497               0.444
##  4        4 ( Age <=… Yes            0                0.0676               0.449
##  5        3 ( Busine… No             0.0101           0.166                0.708
##  6       15 ( NumCom… Yes            0.0141           0.175                0.677
##  7       14 ( Marita… Yes            0.0222           0.189                0.672
##  8       13 ( Enviro… Yes            0.0242           0.196                0.655
##  9       12 ( OverTi… No             0.190            0.819                0.854
## 10       17 ( Age <=… Yes            0.208            0.832                0.846
## 11       11 ( JobInv… Yes            0.214            0.833                0.844
## 12       10 ( Enviro… Yes            0.220            0.836                0.843
## 13        7 ( Enviro… Yes            0.232            0.836                0.843
## 14        6 ( Age > … No             0.638            0.942                0.837
## 15       18 ( Enviro… Yes            0.646            0.943                0.836
## 16        5 ( JobSat… No             0.780            0.950                0.837
## 17        2 ( Age > … No             0.927            0.972                0.833
## 18       19 ( Enviro… Yes            0.949            0.993                0.824
## 19        1 ( Age > … No             1                1                    0.822
## ----------------------------------------------

we infer that first 9 rules (~ 20% overlap) in the reordered rulelist would do still ensuring an accuracy of 85% !

☺☺☺ In the above code, 2nd metric onwards are used to break ties! (similar to base::order)

☺☺☺ Reordering changes the decision boundaries of your fit! It is a post-hoc method to overlap the learnt rules to optimize for the metric you need! But remember, greedy optimization method does guarantee the global minima (maxima)!

☺☺☺ reorder comes with a init = k argument which leaves a predecided top k rules in their order and reorders only bottom ones. This might be required when policy layer needs to be incorporated into the rule engine!


prune suggests k th rule to stop at based on some stopping criteria.

Suppose, we seek to find a smaller rulelist with maximum possible accuracy with a minimum (relative) coverage of 70% and (relative) overlap not more than half the number of rows. Then,

prune_suggestion = 
  reorder(tidy_c5, "cumulative_accuracy", minimize = FALSE) %>% 
  prune(stop_expr_string = "relative__cumulative_coverage >= 0.7 & cumulative_overlap <= 728/2")
## ⠙ Reordering ... 4 done (1.7/s) | 2.3s
## ⠹ Reordering ... 8 done (1.4/s) | 5.9s
## ⠸ Reordering ... 11 done (1.2/s) | 8.9s
## ⠼ Reordering ... 14 done (1.2/s) | 11.4s
## ⠼ Reordering ... 19 done (1.4/s) | 13.7s
## ── Prune Suggestion ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
##  Keep first 4 out of 19
##  Metrics after 4 rules:
## # A tidytable: 6 × 3
##   rule_nbr metric                          value
##      <int> <chr>                           <dbl>
## 1       12 cumulative_coverage           634    
## 2       12 cumulative_overlap            308    
## 3       12 cumulative_accuracy             0.883
## 4       12 relative__cumulative_coverage   0.874
## 5       12 relative__cumulative_overlap    0.622
## 6       12 relative__cumulative_accuracy   0.997
##  Run `plot(x)` for details; `x$pruned` to get pruned rulelist
## ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

## ---- Rulelist --------------------------------
## ▶ Keys: NULL
## ▶ Number of rules: 4
## ▶ Model type: C5
## ▶ Estimation type: classification
## ▶ Is validation data set: TRUE
##   rule_nbr trial_nbr LHS      RHS   support confidence  lift cumulative_accuracy
##      <int>     <int> <chr>    <fct>   <int>      <dbl> <dbl>               <dbl>
## 1        4         1 ( Age <… Yes        12      0.929   5.4               0.462
## 2        5         1 ( JobSa… No        157      0.924   1.1               0.865
## 3        6         1 ( Age >… No        351      0.924   1.1               0.886
## 4       12         1 ( OverT… No        516      0.888   1.1               0.883
## ----------------------------------------------

☺☺☺ prune is powerful when combined with reorder! While reorder chases a metric, prune takes care of constraints! This might lead to small rulelists, very good for explainability!

Out in the Wild

Use to_sql_case to get SQL case when code chunk from a rulelist.

to_sql_case(head(tidy_c5, 5))
WHEN (Age > 26)
    AND (EnvironmentSatisfaction IN ( 'Medium', 'High', 'Very_High' ))
    AND (PercentSalaryHike <= 17)
    AND (StockOptionLevel > 0)
    AND (StockOptionLevel <= 2)
    AND (TotalWorkingYears > 2) THEN
WHEN (Age > 26)
    AND (EnvironmentSatisfaction IN ( 'Medium', 'High', 'Very_High' ))
    AND (StockOptionLevel > 0)
    AND (YearsAtCompany > 3) THEN
WHEN (BusinessTravel = 'Non-Travel') THEN
WHEN (Age <= 31)
    AND (EducationField = 'Technical_Degree')
    AND (StockOptionLevel <= 0) THEN
WHEN (JobSatisfaction IN ( 'Low', 'Medium', 'High' ))
    AND (MonthlyIncome > 3210)
    AND (RelationshipSatisfaction IN ( 'Medium', 'High', 'Very_High' ))
    AND (TrainingTimesLastYear > 2) THEN
END AS output


  • We will add tidy support to more models. Your contributions are welcome!
  • Ideas for new methods are welcome!

✔ `For dev and issues, reach us at http://github.com/talegari/tidyrules

✔ ‘master’ branch always holds the ‘tested’ dev code!

✔ Get the latest stable version from CRAN!

Yours truly,
Amith (ಅಮಿತ್) and Srikanth (ಶ್ರೀಕಾಂತ)