Obtain nearest neighbors and distances from a matrix or disto handle. k nearest or fixed radius neighbors are supported
nn(x, k, r, ...)
x | Object of class 'disto' or a numeric matrix |
k | Number of nearest neighbors |
r | Radius for nearest neighbors |
... | Additional arguments for |
A list with these elements:
triplet: Matrix with three columns: row, col and distance. For a fixed observation(value in 'row'), all corresponding values in 'col' are the indexes of the nearest neighbors. All corresponding values in 'distance' are the distances to those nearest neighbors
size: Size of the distance matrix or number of rows of the matrix
k or r : Depending on the input
Exactly one among k or r has to be provided
# NOT RUN { # create a matrix set.seed(100) mat <- cbind(rnorm(3e3), rpois(3e3, 1)) # compute a distance matrix and get a disto handle do <- stats::dist(mat) dio <- disto(objectname = "do") # nearest neighbors: k nearest and fixed radius nn(dio, k = 1) nn(mat, k = 1) # distance method defaults to 'euclidean' str(nn(mat, k = 1)) # observe the structure of the output nn(dio, r = 0.1) nn(mat, r = 0.1) # nearest neighbors parallelized: k nearest and fixed radius # fast computation, higher memory usage nn(dio, k = 1, nproc = 2) nn(mat, k = 1, mc.cores = 2) nn(dio, r = 0.1, nproc = 2) nn(mat, r = 0.1, mc.cores = 2) # different distance method do <- stats::dist(mat, method = "manhattan") nn(dio, k = 1, nproc = 2) nn(mat, k = 1, method = "manhattan", mc.cores = 2) nn(dio, r = 0.1, nproc = 2) nn(mat, r = 0.1, method = "manhattan", mc.cores = 2) # }