Create mapping to data sources storing distances(symmetric), dissimilarities(non-symmetric), similarities and so on

Provides a high level API to interface over backends storing distance, dissimilarity, similarity matrices with matrix style extraction, replacement and other utilities. Currently, in-memory dist object backend is supported.

disto(..., backend = "dist")



Arguments for a backend. See details


(string) Specify a backend. Currently supported: 'dist'


Object of class 'disto' which is a thin wrapper on a list


This is a wrapper to create a 'disto' handle over different backends storing distances, dissimilarities, similarities etc with minimal data overhead like a database connection. The following named arguments are required to set-up the backend:

  • dist:

    • objectname: Object of the class 'dist' or the name of the object as a 'string'.

    • env: Environment where the object exists. When this is missing, its assumed to be parent environment.

See also


temp <- stats::dist(iris[,1:4]) dio <- disto(objectname = "temp")
#> Error: Unable to find the object in the specified environment.
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'dio' not found
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'dio' not found