Creates a scaler object containing column means and standard deviations so that it can be used to predict on a similar dataset
scaler(data, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
data | (numeric matrix or numeric dataframe) The dataset |
center | (flag) whether to center the columns or not |
scale | (flag) whether to scale the columns or not |
This computes means and standard deviations of each columns and stores it for a prediction on a dataset using predict method. If scale is TRUE, the columns are automatically centered even if center is set to FALSE.
The scaler class provides a model-predict interface to scale and unscale matrices and dataframes. This predict method supports type argument - scale or unscale. The scaler_ function is used to construct scaler object by providing centering vector(alias for means of columns, ex: columnwise medians) and scaling vector (alias for column standard deviations, ex: columnwise mean absolute deviations). scaler class is meant to aid analysis, for performance critical work use Rfast::standardize()
set.seed(1) n_70 = round(nrow(mtcars) * 0.7) index = sample(1:nrow(mtcars), n_70) mtcars_A = mtcars[index, ] mtcars_B = mtcars[index, ] model = scaler(mtcars_A) # creates model based on mtcars_A mtcars_1 = predict(model, newdata = mtcars_A) # scale mtcars_A mtcars_2 = predict(model, newdata = mtcars_B) # scale mtcars_B using model class(mtcars_2) # does not convert to matrix#> [1] "data.frame"#> [1] "Names: 11 string mismatches" #> [2] "Attributes: < Component “row.names”: Modes: numeric, character >" #> [3] "Attributes: < Component “row.names”: target is numeric, current is character >"