save_object encrypts a R object to raw or text connection or a file. retrieve_object decrypts a raw or a text connection or a file (encrypted by save_object). Note that retrieve_object returns the object.

retrieve_object(conn, key = "pass", pkey = NULL, ascii = FALSE)



A connection or a file where the decrypted content is written. If ascii is TRUE, an decrypted text is written to the connection. Else, when ascii is FALSE(default), a raw object is written to the connection


For symmetric decryption, 'pkey' should be NULL (default) and 'key' can be either a string (Default is 'pass') or a raw object. For asymmetric decryption, both 'key' (private key of the decrypter) and 'pkey' (public key of the encrypter) should be raw objects.


See 'key'


TRUE, if the encrypted output is a string(written to the text connection). FALSE, if the encrypted output is a raw object(written to the raw connection)


An invisible TRUE


# symmetric case: all( save_object(iris, conn = "iris_safer.bin") , identical(retrieve_object(conn = "iris_safer.bin"), iris) , unlink("iris_safer.bin") == 0 )
#> [1] TRUE
all( save_object(iris, conn = "iris_safer_2.txt", ascii = TRUE) , identical(retrieve_object(conn = "iris_safer_2.txt", ascii = TRUE), iris) , unlink("iris_safer_2.txt") == 0 )
#> [1] TRUE
# asymmetric case: alice <- keypair() bob <- keypair() all( save_object(iris, alice$private_key, bob$public_key, conn = "iris_safer.bin") , identical(retrieve_object(conn = "iris_safer.bin", bob$private_key, alice$public_key), iris) , unlink("iris_safer.bin") == 0 )
#> [1] TRUE