encrypt_string encrypts a string as a string or a raw vector and decrypt_string decrypts the encrypted string or a raw vector (encrypted using encrypt_string)

decrypt_string(string, key = "pass", pkey = NULL, url = FALSE)



A string(character vector of length 1) without embedded NULL to be encrypted. or a raw vector.


For symmetric decryption, 'pkey' should be NULL (default) and 'key' can be either a string (Default is 'pass') or a raw object. For asymmetric decryption, both 'key' (private key of the decrypter) and 'pkey' (public key of the encrypter) should be raw objects.


See 'key'


(flag, default: FALSE) Whether the encoded string was generated url friendly.


decrypted string


# symmetric case: temp <- encrypt_string("hello, how are you", key = "secret") all( is.character(temp) , decrypt_string(temp, "secret") == "hello, how are you" , class(try(decrypt_string(temp, "nopass"), silent = TRUE)) == "try-error" )
#> [1] TRUE
# string encoded as raw res <- encrypt_string("tatvamasi", ascii = FALSE) res
#> [1] 62 58 a4 e8 e3 79 f8 1e 8d 9b 9b fe 04 d7 34 19 f4 b1 60 80 f7 34 e3 97 f3
isTRUE(identical(decrypt_string(res), "tatvamasi"))
#> [1] TRUE
# asymmetric case: alice <- keypair() bob <- keypair() temp <- encrypt_string("hello asymmetric", alice$private_key, bob$public_key) temp2 <- decrypt_string(temp, bob$private_key, alice$public_key) identical("hello asymmetric", temp2)
#> [1] TRUE